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型号(PART NO.): ZB1155BW
发光颜色(Emitted Color):白光
外观颜色(Lens Color):黑、白两色
外形尺寸(Max Size):如结构尺寸图所示
极限参数(Absolute Maximum Ratings) 建议使用驱动检测
参数(Parameter) | 单位(Symbol) | 极限值 (Maximum Rating) | 单位(Unit) |
功耗 (Power Dissipation) | Pd | 42 | mW |
脉冲电流(Peak Forward Current) | Ifp | 100 | mA |
直流电流(Continuous Forward Current) Forward )Current | Ifm | 20 | mA |
反向电压(Reverse Voltage) | VR | 5 | V |
工作温度(Operating Temperature Range) | Topr | -40 → +85 | ℃ |
储藏温度(Storage Temperature Range) | Tstg | -40 → +100 | ℃ |
静电电压(Static Voltage) | Var | V |
*焊接温度(Lead Sodering Temperature):260℃ for 3 seconds
For operation above 25℃, The Ifm Ifp & Pd must be derated, the Curent derating is –0.36mA/℃ for DC
drive and -0.86mA/℃ for Pulse drive, the power dissipation is -0.75mW/℃. The product working current
must not more than the 60% of the Ifm or Ifp according to the working temperature.
2.智倍两位数码管ZB1155BW光电特性(Optical-Electrical Characteristic) 建议使用驱动检测
参数(Parameter) | 测试条件 (Test CONDITING) | 单位(Symbol) | Min | Type | Max | 单位(Unit) |
发光强度 (Luminous Intensity) | IF=10mA | Iv | 20 | 22 | Mcd | |
正向电压 (Forward Voltage) | IF=10mA | VF | 2.8 | - | 3.3 | V |
反向电流 (REVERSE Current) | VR = 5V | IR | - | 10 | uA | |
波长 (Peak Wavelength) | IF=10mA | λp | 460 | - | 462 | nm |
带宽 (Spectral Bandwidth) | IF=10mA | △λ | - | 40 | - | nm |
查看角度 (View Angle) | IF=10mA | 2θ1/2 | - | 60 | - | Deg. |
3.智倍两位数码管ZB1155BW结构尺寸(Mechanical Outline):
4.智倍两位数码管ZB1155BW电路图(Circuit Diagram):
判定类别 Standard | 判定范围 ITEM | MAJOR | MINOR |
成 品 检 验 判 定 标 准 | 外 观 检 验 Surface check condition | A. 膜纸:不齐、贴歪≥0.25mm。 Membrane: not uniform or deflective that must be less than 0.25mm, B. 引脚氧化或掉铜皮、或不按要求上锡披峰。 The pins are oxygenation or lose copper or cannot meet the SPEC of soldering reliability. C. 条形歪斜、松脱、脚短/长、膜纸变形、翘起。 Bar deflective, loss, pins short/longer, membrane distortion, tilt. D. 产品弯曲、变形、划伤、毛刺。 Product inflect, scar, burr, | A. 膜纸不齐导致露出或超宽0.25mm内进0.25mm以下,0.15mm以上;脏、皱等。 Make for bare or exceed width between 0.25mm and 0.15mm caused by membrane were not uniform; dirty, ruck etc. B. 产品反面非有效发光区域有手印、水渍印。 Has the fingerprint or watermark on the background of the product there are not the area of luminous. |
尺 寸 检 验 Size check condition | A. 长、宽、厚等重要尺寸超差≥0.2mm,其它尺寸超差在0.25mm以上。 The tolerance of Length, width and thick must ≥0.2mm and other tolerance more than 0.25mm. B. 膜纸过大在0.25mm以上。 Membrane over than 0.25mm | A. 虚边、毛刺等引起的尺寸超差在0.2mm以下,0.1mm以上。 The size tolerance of product that caused by burr edge shall between 0.1-0.2mm. B. 小于严重缺陷的尺寸超差。 Less than the important tolerance . | |
功 能 发 光 效 果 检 查 Functional check condition | A. 管芯发光颜色不符合图纸要求。 The color of luminous is differenced for the SPEC. B. 闪亮、颜色/色差、暗光、暗带与样板相差较大。 Flash, color, dark light that more difference than the golden sample. C. 膜纸漏光直径≥0.25。 For the membrane the diameter of light Leakage≥0.25. | A. 轻微色差、暗光、暗带、暗斑。 Minor of the chromatism, dark light, dark spot. B. 两端部发光不均匀。. The luminescence is asymmetry at the two ends. |